Tuesday 14 January 2014

Biggie's Got Talent

Reader Dearest,

Hello and welcome back :) Here's my first post of the new year - and today, I'm going to give you - an idea that changed my life :)

I met a fellow biggie recently, and I happened to find out a secret about her - something she had kept hidden with her for almost all her life. The secret - she loved dancing, and was actually really good at it too!
"Why haven't you joined a dance class ?" I wanted her to tell me, even though I knew what really the answer was. "You'll get to learn, to grow, to meet people with the same passion, and who knows ? Even perform someday!" I tried reasoning out.
"I can't.." she said. "I'm too conscious."
Of what ?
"Of the way I look, thanks to my size."

And with that, the field of dance lost out on what could have been a possibly wonderful talent.

I was no different. I remember the time I was asked to participate in an inter-school speaking competition quite a few years ago. I went because I was forced to, and upon meeting fellow contestants I remember cringing and telling myself - "You think you stand a chance against these people ? Look at how good-looking they are. When they walk up on stage, the audience would WANT to listen to them speak - they have the charisma. And you ? Who would want to look at you & listen to you speak ?!"
No prizes for guessing, I gave my worst performance that day.

Why is it that we biggies equate our size with our talent ? Is there a rulebook that says - 'the bigger you are, the smaller your talent' ? Then why the assumption ?

"I've always had problems with my size since I can remember..... When people would say something to me (about it), it would take like a piece out of me..." Meet Jonathan - a biggie. A biggie, who like you and me, had issues with his size. But a biggie, who DID NOT let that come in his way of his talent.
Jonathan, with his partner & friend Charlotte, ended up being the first runners up in one of the biggest reality shows - Britain's Got Talent. 
You've got about 5 minutes of time right now ? Here's a video you MUST watch -

Guys, I put myself out there and with all that insecurity stepped on stage again & again. And everytime I finished a speech, a tiny bit of the insecurity vanished. I would be fooling myself if I told you that I am completely fearless now, but yes, today I would not hurt myself by thoughts about the audience mocking my size. And trust me when I say so, the audience really does not care about your size. All they care about is - you.

So all you talented biggies out there - listen to this loud & clear. Your Talent is much, much bigger than your size. Let not this insecurity get the better of you, & your talent.
Go out there, explore your talent, nurture it, and bring it out in the open. Who knows ? The standing ovation Jonathan got may be just coming your way :)

And I never get tired of repeating this -
Zip Zap Zoo,
I am special, and so are you! :)

That was all on today's episode of Biggie's Got Talent guys....Stay tuned for lots more to come your way :)

With lots of love,
The Biggie :)


  1. Loved your post, dear Arna !!! Such an inspiring post and it's as magnetic as your heartwarming smile !!!
