Tuesday 29 October 2013

Time to say Hello!

Dear Reader,

Here's a BIG hello from my side!
Well let me tell you a little about myself... I am in that phase of a girl's life when 'beautiful' is the best compliment she wishes to hear about herself...at that phase when she wishes to fit in to every gorgeous dress she lays her eyes on...at that phase when strives hard for the perfect facebook profile picture...at that phase when...well you get the picture right ?

There's something else you've gotta know about me too! I am a 'big' person, I've been one for quite some time now. And being big is hard, let me tell you.
Now for a long time I hated shopping for clothes. It is highly embarrassing to listen to the salesperson go - "I don't think this would fit you M'aam, I'm afraid we dont have your size." And it is even more embarrassing to see another customer walk up, pick up that very dress you loved so much, and walk away with her head held high - because she knows she would fit into it!

For a long time I also was really afraid to make new friends. It was my belief that I was just not good enough for good-looking people. I wanted to be in my little safe environment, not venturing out to explore the galaxy out there. I was an extrovert no doubt, I spoke to people no doubt, but I was afraid of becoming part of their lives. I felt I would be an embarrassment.

And then something happened.

I am still big. But today I walk into the mall with a grin on my face, with my head held high.
I am still big. But today my life is filled with the best people, and loads of them!
I am still big. But I have never felt more beautiful!

What happened ? - I wish I could give you a definite answer. But I dont have one. Its a culmination of so many different ideas & beliefs! And this blog is an attempt to bring that out to you.

Through this blog I will attempt to give you a few insights, a few ideas, a few stories from my life..and a few stories from the lives of other biggies - that will make you believe me when I say that BIG is NOT BAD! :)

Well leaving you on a thought that I keep telling myself -
Zip Zap Zoo,
I am special, and so are you!

I'll be back real soon! Keep the love flowing!

With a Big Hug,
A fellow Biggie!


  1. You deserve to hold your chin up high!!
    Great write up.

    A Bigger Hug,
    Fellow Teddy ^_^

  2. LOVE it so much Arna!! I can relate to a lot of your Emotions. Keep it coming!!

    Big Hug

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. BIG Wishes to you Arna !!! :) Keep writing !! :) Loved reading your first post !! :)

  5. Love the post! You are not alone. ;-) Big Hug!


  6. That was definitely long over due Arna!Someone who is as confident in expressing herself as you must surely go ahead and spread it :)
    Atta girl!

    1. Wow thats huge! Thanks so much Shabnam! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wonderful blog.. the blog and the writings are as colorful as YOU, Arna!!!! Hugs!!

  9. Wonderful! Looking forward to the next post!

  10. Best wishes Arna ! Brilliant Start...

  11. Superb! :)
    Looking forward to this actually! :)

  12. arnaa!! i'm soo proud of you!!! very well written!! i'm sure you are going to boost up the confidence of many biggies (inc. me) all the best! looking forward for more!! :*

  13. Nice Post..Im in Pipe line of publishing my blog :)

    1. Awesome Priya! Good luck with your blog! :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. http://energyplusplus.blogspot.in/
